Saturday, June 27, 2009

What is it??

I spent a little time with the thrift sales recently and found a few treasures. Treasures that led to my latest creation. My question is, what do I call them? They can be so many things and used for so many things, yet I find it awkward to title them in my shop as bird feeder/candle/soap/jewelry/etc thingies. I am thrilled that so much can come out of a recycled object, yet I struggle with a snappier name...

Eh well.

This is my newest. I'm not sure what it was originally for, but I assume it is some kind of serving bowl. The latest craze in my neck of the woods is feeding the oriels grape jelly which was my original thought when I picked this snazzy lil' number up; however, upon further inspection it can be so much more. I had once thought it would be a nice thing to hang in a bathroom to put those Glade smelly crystals in, or potpourri. Maybe a cute something to hang near the bed to put your earrings in? Earplugs? chap stick? Nighttime necessities? Maybe I need to work on making hooks as well...

Here it is at any rate...