Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Winter hiatus

I know I've been AWOL all winter because of some drama in the fall and a major move that kind of threw my imagination into a tizzy.  After a substantial break though, I am ready to show you what i have been working on.

A friend of mine said that she needed a cup cozy.  I thought it a most frivolous thing.  who would need a cup cozy anyway?  But, I went ahead and free formed one and tried it out.

Amazing!  My knuckles were not burned on the side of the cup!  My tea stayed hot longer!  I was able to sip and savor instead of  chugging in fear of cold tea!  HA!

This was my first one. 

and then, because I can't leave anything alone, I made a duck.  :)

I am thinking that these will be on my website before winter's end.