Saturday, November 28, 2009

I was slumping some bottles tonight and thought I would work on something in the shop since it seems like when I leave that kiln and work in the house, I tend to forget and overcook my bottles. Since I had some wire twisted, I went ahead and made this little number. It is a ornament holder to hold those really special ornaments you don't want the cats/kids/dogs to knock down and break or if you just don't have the room for a tree but want to show off the ornaments you have.

The ornaments I have pictured are pretty special to me. They are antiques that belonged to my sister. A Christmas when she had left home and had no food, tree or decorations. She opened up the door to her aprtment one day to find groceries and these ornaments. That was more than 20 years ago. My sister passed away and I still have her ornaments. I came up with this idea to keep them safe from 4 kids 2 dogs and a cat and still be able to enjoy them. I'll be posting this model in my shop as soon as I have it cleaned and painted.


  1. It is beautiful!!! you are truely talented...

  2. Thanks!! I've gone a bit holder crazy and made 2 more yesterday. How is CA homeschool going? Did you get your state testing all done? Lucas went on the 9th and 10th of this month--he said the Math was hard and questioned why on earth he had a calculator right there on the table but ws not allowed to touch it for the test. Being a Math Hater myself, I concur. Do you have a boy in 5th grade? My Lucas loves to Email, he would be happy for a new email pal. You can look him up in the class directory-Lucas Edwards.
