PLEASE be respectful of the artist. Our souls are in our work. The art featured here is NOT to be exploited or copied. Each original piece is photographed from the experimental stages to the end product, sealed and copyrighted by dates. Reference to other artists are for the purposes of good publicity and customer discovery. They too make a living from their hearts. Please respect that and enjoy the content for what it is. Sharing and discovery of originality and beauty.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


I had mentioned in a previous post that I had a special order for clear bottles for picture transfer. I wasn't at all happy with the bottles I had originally done, so I went shopping (at the recycle center) and brought home a few more clear bottles (plus a few pretty colored ones-who can resist?!), took extra care in cleaning them and took extra care in smoothing the kiln shelves. I ramped the heat slowly to slumping temperture, watched diligently as they slumped and crash cooled as soon as they were slumped to my specifications. I let them slowly cool the rest of the night and they are absolutely perfect. I'm so excited for my customer! I had to share my success story, since bottle slumping is such a trial and error craft, at least for me. There really is no solid directions for doing this and so many variables, I found that I am on my own. I'm pretty excited.

So, here they are, my perfect bottles. Hopefully a long line of similer ones to come :)

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