PLEASE be respectful of the artist. Our souls are in our work. The art featured here is NOT to be exploited or copied. Each original piece is photographed from the experimental stages to the end product, sealed and copyrighted by dates. Reference to other artists are for the purposes of good publicity and customer discovery. They too make a living from their hearts. Please respect that and enjoy the content for what it is. Sharing and discovery of originality and beauty.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Here comes the sun

Wow. What a storm we had last night! My electricity was off from 9-ish until 4 this morning. I let my brother in law come inside before a house fell on him. It was the least I could do. :)

Not much going on in Craftville lately. It seems my job did not read the part of the contract that said they actually were supposed to pay me for services rendered--go figure-and after a year, I quit. It has been a long week of resume typing and cover letter including. I did make a pretty something today though while the baby was being quiet. Nothing fancy, just using up some things I had lying around that was left over from a couple of other projects. I think it's legal for a recycle artist to recycle...right?


Hilary said...

I LOVE this. I want it!

Ginny the Sock Monkey said...

Very cool, love what you do!

hadjare said...

Also, I love this too. I saw it at Hilary's and it's as every inch cool as I thought it would be. I love mobiles