PLEASE be respectful of the artist. Our souls are in our work. The art featured here is NOT to be exploited or copied. Each original piece is photographed from the experimental stages to the end product, sealed and copyrighted by dates. Reference to other artists are for the purposes of good publicity and customer discovery. They too make a living from their hearts. Please respect that and enjoy the content for what it is. Sharing and discovery of originality and beauty.

Sunday, August 01, 2010


Hi swapbotters!  Thanks for swapping blogs with me.  Make sure to go to my personal blog for info on holistic and wild veggies and how to's on making good stuff from them, general complaining and ranting about life in general.  Check out my shop and add me on facebook if you like. 


Zoë said...

love your Etsy, and a great blog, yum veggies.

strandedhero @ swapbot

Deidre said...

Hello thought I'd comment on this post to make things maybe easier! I am a partner for the Blog Me Baby swap! Deidreart on Swapbot