PLEASE be respectful of the artist. Our souls are in our work. The art featured here is NOT to be exploited or copied. Each original piece is photographed from the experimental stages to the end product, sealed and copyrighted by dates. Reference to other artists are for the purposes of good publicity and customer discovery. They too make a living from their hearts. Please respect that and enjoy the content for what it is. Sharing and discovery of originality and beauty.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Tales from around the art studio

Wow.  A whole summer has flown by and where have I been?
To be honest, I don't remember.  Well, I do...there was some drama that is very un-artsy like and  not something that adoring fanfare would really care about anyway.  Even my store suffered.  *sadface*
Now that the first snowfall has hit and the cooping up has begun, I will thrill you stuff.  Get excited.  Basically, I have earrings, necklaces, and newly added to the thrall, vintage-inspired crochet hats.  Bask in the yarn, bullets and wire.  I shall see you soon.  Until then, visit the store.  Lots of new bits and pieces to browse through and enjoy.

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